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What makes the perfect Resume?

Happy Tuesday folks,hope all is well😁 ‘Jobseeker Tip of the day’ – the content you choose to fill your CV Profile with can either powerfully connect with your intended audience or not! Therefore, CV construction should start with knowing who your target readership is & building from there👌 The most impressive Resumes concisely & compellingly […]

Leaders – where to start with your new CV?

💥Are you a Leader who just doesn’t know where to start when updating your CV?💥 Here are some tips👍 With so many years experience, it can be hard to decipher which examples you should include/exclude in your CV. Ultimately you want to capture your Professional journey in an elevated & concise manner! How about trying […]

“Career Success” Post-Covid 19 👍

💥What’s the prognosis for your long-term Career health Post-Covid?💥 As tempting as it may be,resist rushing back to old routines! The market has transformed for the long-term so our own transformations need to be reflected in our professional careers For future ‘Career Success’: 🔵ACCEPT THE WAKE-UP CALL: Being furloughed in the future is beyond your […]